Purging cached std.fileread() contents

Justin Lloyd justinl at arena.net
Thu Jun 15 18:25:12 UTC 2023

Thank you both for the responses. However, I have a strong aversion to using miscellaneous 3rd party unsupported software, especially for something so relatively trivial, and something that has to be compiled and monitored for updates, that I'd think would be a native feature. It seems like it'd just be simpler to stick with a basic Nginx backend. (That said, I've actually been developing an alternate design from ec2 instances to a Lambda, but that has its own set of complexities, even for something as simple as a single, static maintenance page.)


From: varnish-misc <varnish-misc-bounces+justinl=arena.net at varnish-cache.org> On Behalf Of Guillaume Quintard
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 10:52 AM
To: Geoffrey Simmons <geoff at uplex.de>
Cc: varnish-misc at varnish-cache.org
Subject: Re: Purging cached std.fileread() contents

Piling on here, there's also one in rust!

On Thu, Jun 15, 2023, 19:44 Geoff Simmons <geoff at uplex.de<mailto:geoff at uplex.de>> wrote:
On 6/15/23 18:57, Justin Lloyd wrote:
> The documentation for std.fileread() says it is cached indefinitely, so
> how do I get Varnish to re-read the file when it gets updated without
> having to restart Varnish?

"Cached indefinitely" means just what it says. The VMOD saves the file
contents in memory on the first invocation of std.fileread(), and never
reads the file again.

We have a VMOD that reads file contents and then monitors the file for
changes. The new contents are used after the change:


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