Need Assistance in Configuring Varnish to Retain and Ignore Unique Parameter in Request URL while caching

Uday Kumar uday.polu at
Thu Jun 1 13:09:26 UTC 2023

Thanks for the prompt response!

Thanks & Regards
Uday Kumar

On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 11:12 AM Guillaume Quintard <
guillaume.quintard at> wrote:

> Thanks, so, to make things clean you are going to need to use a couple of
> vmods, which means being able to compile them first:
> - as Geoff offered
> - that will allow easy
> manipulation of the querystring
> unfortunately, the install-vmod tool that is bundled into the Varnish
> docker image isn't able to cleanly compile/install them. I'll have a look
> this week-end if I can, or at least I'll open a ticket on
> But, if you are able to install those two, then your life is easy:
> - once you receive a request, you can start by creating a unique ID,
> which'll be the the vcl equivalent of `uuidgen | sed -E
> 's/(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+).*/\1\2\3\4/'` (without having testing it,
> probably `regsub(uuid.uuid_v4(), "s/(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+).*",
> "\1\2\3\4/"`)
> - then just add/replace the parameter in the querystring with
> vmod_querystring
> and...that's about it?
> Problem is getting the vmods to compile/install which I can help with this
> week-end. There's black magic that you can do using regex to manipulate
> querystring, but it's a terrible idea.
> --
> Guillaume Quintard
> On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 6:48 PM Uday Kumar <uday.polu at>
> wrote:
>> Does it need to be unique? can't we just get away with
>>> "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"?
>> Our Requirements:
>> 1. New Parameter should be *appended *to already existing parameters in
>> Query String. (should not replace entire query string)
>> 2. Parameter Value *Must be Unique for each request* (ideally unique
>> randomness is preferred)
>> 3. Allowed Characters are Alphanumeric which are *URL safe* [can be
>> lowercase, uppercase in case of alphabets]
>> 4. Characters can be repeated in parameter value EX: Gn4lT*Y*gBgpPaRi6hw6
>> *Y*S (here, Y is repeated) But as mentioned above the value must be
>> unique as a whole.
>> Ex: Parameter value for 1st request can be "Gn4lT*Y*gBgpPaRi6hw6*Y*S",
>>                                         2nd request can be
>> "G34lTYgBgpPaRi6hyaaF" and so on
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Uday Kumar
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