Backend Fetch failed

Guillaume Quintard guillaume at
Thu Apr 6 09:11:55 CEST 2017

Can be anything, really, care to share a varnishlog?

Guillaume Quintard

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 8:46 PM, Rodney Bizzell <rbizzell at> wrote:

> Not sure what is causing this error any help would be appreciated
> Error 503 Backend Fetch Failed
> Here is a copy of default.vcl
> # This is an example VCL file for Varnish.
> #
> # It does not do anything by default, delegating control to the
> # builtin VCL. The builtin VCL is called when there is no explicit
> # return statement.
> #
> # See the VCL chapters in the Users Guide at
> # and for more
> examples.
> # Marker to tell the VCL compiler that this VCL has been adapted to the
> # new 4.0 format.
> vcl 4.0;
> # Default backend definition. Set this to point to your content server.
> import std;
> backend drupal {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend ncwrite {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend measurementinc {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend pegwriting {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend pegwritingscholar {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend utahcompose {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend wpponline {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend support {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend supportpw {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend supportpws {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend supportncw {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> backend supportutc {
>     .host = "";
>     .port = "80";
>     .connect_timeout = 6000s;
>     .first_byte_timeout = 6000s;
>     .between_bytes_timeout = 6000s;
>     .probe = {
>         .url = "support.utahcompose";
>         .timeout = 60ms;
>         .interval = 1s;
>         .window = 10;
>         .threshold = 8;
>      }
> }
> sub vcl_recv {
>     if ( == ""){
>         set req.backend_hint = drupal;
>     } else if ( == ""){
>        set req.backend_hint = ncwrite;
>     } else if ( == ""){
>        set req.backend_hint = measurementinc;
>     } else if ( == ""){
>        set req.backend_hint = pegwriting;
>     } else if ( == ""){
>        set req.backend_hint = pegwritingscholar;
>     } else if ( == ""){
>        set req.backend_hint = utahcompose;
>     } else if ( == ""){
>        set req.backend_hint = wpponline;
>     } else if ( == "«^(?=.*?\bsupport\b)(?=.*?\
> bwpponline\b)(?=.*?\bcom\b).*$»"){
>        set req.backend_hint = support;
>     } else if ( == "«^(?=.*?\bsupport\b)(?=.*?\
> bpegwriting\b)(?=.*?\bcom\b).*$»"){
>        set req.backend_hint = supportpw;
>     } else if ( == "«^(?=.*?\bsupport\b)(?=.*?\
> bpegwritingscholar\b)(?=.*?\bcom\b).*$»"){
>        set req.backend_hint = supportpws;
>     } else if ( == "«^(?=.*?\bsupport\b)(?=.*?\
> bncwrite\b)(?=.*?\bcom\b).*$»"){
>        set req.backend_hint = supportncw;
>     } else if ( == "«^(?=.*?\bsupport\b)(?=.*?\
> butahcompose\b)(?=.*?\bcom\b).*$»"){
>        set req.backend_hint = supportutc;
>        return (hash);
>     }
> }
> #sub vcl_pass {
> sub vcl_backend_response {
>   set beresp.grace = 6h;
>   set beresp.ttl = 5m;
> }
> sub vcl_deliver {
>     # Happens when we have all the pieces we need, and are about to send
> the
>     # response to the client.
>     #
>     # You can do accounting or modifying the final object here.
> }
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