How to cache responses to POST requests

enridaga enridaga at
Thu Jun 19 18:33:15 CEST 2014

Hi all,
I have found something about it on SO [1] but unfortunately I can't
translate the requests to GET.
My use case is about caching time consuming calls to a remote REST
service going through a corporate proxy.
With the following vcl script I was able to use the corporate proxy
and make POST requests work fine.
However, the responses are not cached.

Does anybody know the magic words?

Thank you!


# This is my script
backend default {
  .host = " ";
  .port = "80";

backend ouproxy {
  .host = " ";
  .port = "80";

sub vcl_recv {
  set req.url = " " + req.url;
  set req.backend = ouproxy;

     return (lookup);
     return (lookup);

sub vcl_pass {
    set bereq.request = "POST";


Enrico Daga


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