Moving from 2.1.5 -> 3.0.2

Chris Johnson johnson at
Mon Apr 2 18:20:37 CEST 2012


      Still running 2.1.5 in production.  Have a new server we set up
and want  to update to 3.0.2.  Last time I looked at this I recall
there were some VCL changes in between.  We have made a couple of
configuration tweaks in the VCL init file.  I have a vague
recollection of there being some variable changes and few other

      Is there any quick list of the VCL changes?  I see the language
wiki.  I need to know specifically what needs changing to what.

      BTW, new system is CentOS 6.2.

Chris Johnson               |Internet: johnson at
Systems Administrator       |Web:
NMR Center                  |Voice:    617.726.0949
Mass. General Hospital      |FAX:      617.726.7422
149 (2301) 13th Street      |Life stinks.  If you're very lucky, sometimes
Charlestown, MA., 02129 USA |it stinks a little less.  Me

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