Strange problem with truncated responses when POSTing data

Per Buer perbu at
Fri Oct 1 09:12:11 CEST 2010

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Eli Dickinson <eli at>wrote:

> Today, though, I've been pulling my hair out with a strange problem
> and I'm hoping someone here can help. I've got Varnish sitting in
> front of Apache on one server and I've got a PHP script that POSTs
> data from another server. If the length of the content I'm posting is
> over about 1500 bytes, I get an incomplete response from Varnish.

This _might_ be a networking problem. I would guess that somehow you are
using 802.1q tags and that some silly piece of network equipment throws away
or mangles packets on one of your servers.

Per Buer,  Varnish Software
Phone: +47 21 98 92 61 / Mobile: +47 958 39 117 / skype: per.buer
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