No output from varnishncsa

Tami Lee tami.lee at
Fri Mar 12 05:05:24 CET 2010

Hi All,
I am new to Varnish. I started Varnish with the command below and hit it
with a few requests. It worked fine. However, I am unable to get output from
varnishncsa (varnishncsa -r /tmp/varnish/working/_.vsl or varnishncsa -n
/tmp/varnish/working). Am I missing something?

$ /usr/sbin/varnishd -a :4080 -T -f /tmp/varnish/test.vcl -s
file,/tmp/varnish/cache/varnish.cache,128M -n /tmp/varnish/working -P

Thanks in advance for your help!
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