Varnishreplay question

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Tue Dec 9 10:45:49 CET 2008

]] Serge Helly 

| I've been playing with Varnish for a couple of months now: impressive, really !


| I would like to replay Apache logs.
| Is there a way to run "varnishreplay -r ncsa-file" ?

Currently, there's no way to do it, at least.

| If no, could that be consider as a future enhancement ?

I doubt it's something we'll want to put significant effort into, but if
somebody shows up with a patch, I'll be happy to have it applied.

Tollef Fog Heen 
Redpill Linpro -- Changing the game!
t: +47 21 54 41 73

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