logging problems - "Pipe Shut"

Gaute Amundsen gaute at pht.no
Tue Jul 3 15:14:31 CEST 2007

Hi again.

We have had logging running for about a week now with no apparent problems, 
but yesterday I routed all our traffic into varnish, and now bad things 

/var/log/varnish/varnish.log just stops growing after a while and a tail -n 1 
gives me pages after pages of:

Pipe Shut write(read)Pipe Shut read(read)Pipe Shut write(read)Pipe Shut 
read(read)Pipe Shut write(read)Pipe Shut read(read)Pipe Shut write(read)Pipe 

Over 4 megs of it just now actualy.

/etc/init.d/varnishlog status reports "varnishlog (pid 11936) running".

I thought it took a fairly long while at first, but now it happens quckly, 
whithin 5 mins.

On a possibly related note, varnishncsa segfaults when trying to process this 
log. both as 
cat /var/log/varnish/varnish.log |  varnishncsa -b -r /dev/stdin and
varnishncsa -c -r /var/log/varnish/varnish.log
Log size ~1G

varnishlog -c -r /var/log/varnish/varnish.log seems to work fine

Truncating and starting over does not seem to help on the first problem, but 
varnishncsa seems to be more comfortable with a smaller log.

What to do?


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