[master] 44eb6b0e1 Rewrite the Tutorial introduction

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at FreeBSD.org
Mon Feb 8 13:58:07 UTC 2021

commit 44eb6b0e10e74c1d7c5a57f94bf6c406bd691810
Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at FreeBSD.org>
Date:   Mon Feb 8 13:57:06 2021 +0000

    Rewrite the Tutorial introduction

diff --git a/doc/sphinx/tutorial/introduction.rst b/doc/sphinx/tutorial/introduction.rst
index 237ff1c12..067a7f834 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/tutorial/introduction.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/tutorial/introduction.rst
@@ -1,55 +1,171 @@
 .. _tutorial-intro:
-The fundamentals of web proxy caching with Varnish
+Varnish: The beef in the sandwich
-Varnish is a caching HTTP reverse proxy. It receives requests from clients
-and tries to answer them from the cache. If Varnish cannot answer the
-request from the cache it will forward the request to the backend,
-fetch the response, store it in the cache and deliver it to the client.
+You may have heard the term "web-delivery-sandwich" used in relation to
+Varnish, and it is a pretty apt metafor::
-When Varnish has a cached response ready it is typically delivered in a
-matter of microseconds, two orders of magnitude faster than your typical
-backend server, so you want to make sure to have Varnish answer as many
-of the requests as possible directly from the cache.
-Varnish decides whether it can store the content or not based on the
-response it gets back from the backend. The backend can instruct Varnish
-to cache the content with the HTTP response header `Cache-Control`. There
-are a few conditions where Varnish will not cache, the most common one
-being the use of cookies. Since cookies indicates a client-specific web
-object, Varnish will by default not cache it.
+       ┌─────────┐
+       │ browser │
+       └─────────┘                                            ┌─────────┐
+                  \                                          ┌─────────┐│
+       ┌─────┐     ╔═════════╗    ┌─────┐    ┌─────────┐    ┌─────────┐│┘
+       │ app │ --- ║ Network ║ -- │ TLS │ -- │ Varnish │ -- │ Backend │┘
+       └─────┘     ╚═════════╝    └─────┘    └─────────┘    └─────────┘
+                   /               
+       ┌────────────┐
+       │ API-client │
+       └────────────┘
-This behaviour as most of Varnish functionality can be changed using
-policies written in the Varnish Configuration Language (VCL). See
-:ref:`users-guide-index` for more information on how to do that.
+The top layer of the sandwich, 'TLS' is responsible for handling
+the TLS ("https") encryption, which means it must have access to
+the cryptographic certificate which authenticates your website.
+The bottom layer of the sandwich are your webservers, CDNs,
+API-servers, business backend systems and all the other sources for
+your web-content.
-Varnish has a modern architecture and is written with performance
-in mind.  It is usually bound by the speed of the network, effectively
-turning performance into a non-issue. You get to focus on how your web
-applications work and you can allow yourself, to some degree, to care
-less about performance and scalability.
+Varnish goes in the middle, where it provides caching, policy,
+analytics, visibility and mitigation for your webtraffic.
-.. XXX:Not totally sure what the last sentence above means. benc
+How Varnish works
+For each and every request, Varnish runs through the 'VCL' program
+to decide what should happen:  Which backend has this content, how
+long time can we cache it, is it accessible for this request, should
+it be redirected elsewhere and so on.  If that particular backend
+is down, varnish can find another or substitute different content
+until it comes back up.
-One of the key features of Varnish Cache, in addition to its performance,
-is the flexibility of its configuration language, VCL. VCL enables you
-to write policies on how incoming requests should be handled.
+Your first VCL program will probably be trivial, for instance just
+splitting the traffic between two different backend servers::
-In such a policy you can decide what content you want to serve, from
-where you want to get the content and how the request or response should
-be altered.
+    sub vcl_recv {
+       if (req.url ~ "^/wiki") {
+           set req.backend_hint = wiki_server;
+       } else {
+           set req.backend_hint = wordpress_server;
+       }
+    }
-Supported platforms
+When you load the VCL program into Varnish, it is compiled into
+a C-program which is compiled into a shared library, which varnish
+then loads and calls into, therefore VCL code is *fast*.
+Everything Varnish does is recorded in 'VSL' log records which can
+be examined and monitored in real time or recorded for later use
+in native or NCSA format, and when we say 'everything' we mean
+    *   << Request  >> 318737    
+    -   Begin          req 318736 rxreq
+    -   Timestamp      Start: 1612787907.221931 0.000000 0.000000
+    -   Timestamp      Req: 1612787907.221931 0.000000 0.000000
+    -   VCL_use        boot
+    -   ReqStart 39698 a1
+    -   ReqMethod      GET
+    -   ReqURL         /vmods/
+    -   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
+    -   ReqHeader      Host: varnish-cache.org
+    -   ReqHeader      Accept: text/html, application/rss+xml, […]
+    -   ReqHeader      Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
+    -   ReqHeader      Connection: close
+    -   ReqHeader      User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 […]
+    -   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
+    -   VCL_call       RECV
+    -   VCL_acl        NO_MATCH bad_guys
+    -   VCL_return     hash
+    […]
+These `VSL` log records are written to a circular buffer in shared
+memory, from where other programs can subscribe to them via a supported
+API.  One such program is `varnishncsa` which produces NCSA-style log
+ - - [08/Feb/2021:12:42:35 +0000] "GET http://vmods/ HTTP/1.1" 200 0 […]
+Varnish is also engineered for uptime, it is not necessary to restart
+varnish to change the VCL program, in fact, multiple VCL programs can be
+loaded at the same time and you can switch between them instantly.
+Caching with Varnish
-Varnish is written to run on modern versions of Linux and FreeBSD and the
-best experience is had on those platforms. Thanks to our contributors
-it also runs on NetBSD, OpenBSD, OS X and various Solaris-descendants
-like Oracle Solaris, OmniOS and SmartOS.
+When Varnish receives a request, VCL can decide to look for a
+reusable answer in the cache, if there is one, that becomes one
+less request to put load on your backend applications database.
+Cache-hits take less than a millisecond, often mere microseconds,
+to deliver.
+If there is nothing usable in the cache, the answer from the backend
+can, again under VCL control, be put in the cache for some amount
+of time, so future requests for the same object can find it there.
+Varnish understands the `Cache-Control` HTTP header if your backend
+server sends one, but ultimately the VCL program makes the decision
+to cache and how long, and if you want to send a different `Cache-Control`
+header to the clients, VCL can do that too.
+Content Composition with Varnish
+Varnish supports `ESI - Edge Side Includes` which makes it possible
+to send responses to clients which are composed of different bits
+from different backends, with the very important footnote that the
+different bits can have very different caching policies.
+With ESI a backend can tell varnish to edit the content of another
+object into a HTML page::
+    <H1>Todays Top News</H1>
+    <ESI:include src="/topnews"/>
+The `/topnews` request will be handled like every other request in
+Varnish, VCL will decide if it can be cached, which backend should
+supply it and so on, so even if the whole object in the example can
+not be cached, for instance if the page is dynamic content for a
+logged-in user, the `/topnews` object can be cached and can be
+shared from the cache, between all users.
+Content Policy with Varnish
+Because VCL is in full control of every request, and because VCL
+can be changed instantly on the fly, Varnish is a great tool to
+implement both reactive and prescriptive content-policies.
+Prescriptive content-policies can be everything from complying
+with UN sanctions using IP number access lists over delivering
+native language content to different clients to closing
+access to employee web-mail in compliance with "Right to
+disconnect" laws.
+Varnish, and VCL is particular, are well suited to sort requests
+and collect metrics for real-time A/B testing or during migrations
+to a new backend system.
+Reactive content-policies can be anything from blocking access to
+an infected backend or fixing the URL from the QR code on the new
+product, to extending caching times while the backend rebuilds the
+Varnish is general purpose
+Varnish is written to run on modern UNIX-like operating systems:
+Linux, FreeBSD, OS/X, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, OmniOs, SmartOS etc.
+Varnish runs on any CPU architecture: i386, amd64, arm32, arm64,
+mips, power, riscV, s390 - you name it.
+Varnish can be deployed on dedicated hardware, in VMs, jails,
+Containers, Cloud, as a service or any other way you may care for.
+Unfortunately the `sudo make me a sandwich`_ feature is not ready yet,
+so you will have to do that yourself but click on "Next topic" in the
+navigation menu on the left and we'll tell you the recipe...
+.. _sudo make me a sandwich: https://xkcd.com/149/

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